CTE3 - Student Performance Tracking Overview
NATEF Standards tracking for instructors...fast!
CTE3 is a web based student driven NATEF Performance Tracking Program. It is a unique program that
will save time and increase efficiency for its users. The CTE3 program is a standalone program with no
curriculum and without additional software to be downloaded. CTE3 is the only program that tracks
students with multiple instructors in multiple classes. The end result is a well organized portfolio that
the student can use for employment. In addition, instructors save on countless hours of data entry and
collecting papers.
This program has many more benefits. CTE3 has all of NATEF Automotive, Auto Body, Alternative Fuels & Diesel national standards. In Additional CTE3 can be used to track students as they complete basic automotive skills such as the demonstration of wearing safety glasses, safety procedures and proper use of tools. CTE3 can be integrated in to your existing safety program.
Currently CTE3 is being used in 5 states, in numerous high schools and college programs. These
programs were instituted in September of 2010 after a year long pilot testing. We have contracted with
the same company Ford and General Motors use to track and store their data. The system is backed up
twice a day with data storage in two locations.
Advantages of CTE3 for Instructors & Schools
- Follow up survey done automatically through email.
- Calculates % P-1, P-2, P-3.
- Emails certificate of completion to the student.
- Can be used to show AYP (Annual Yearly Progress).
- Vocational reports for an administrator.
- Green initiative - saves districts money on paper cost.
- Data entry with any computer, smart phone - no software interface problems.
- Use data to evaluate programs.
- Shows student progress.